(continued from Allocations Module Utilities)

View Allocations

Screen Shot 129: View Used Allocations

In the Allocation Splits (Sub-Allocations) setup, four Allocation Splits were set up – STANDARD (4 Rooms), T1 (1 Room), T2 (1 Room) and T3 (1 Room) for a total of 7 Rooms.


In View Allocations, the total number of rooms available for all 4 Sub Allocations displays in the left hand set of columns under the TOTAL heading, and the Allocation Splits (Sub Allocations) are to the right of the Total column.


In the Totals Column, 3 Rooms have been used for the period 10 – 12 July from the ‘RUN OF HOUSE Allocation’. This leaves a total of 4 Rooms available across all Allocation Splits. By following the same rows out to the right, it can be seen that 1 Room has been taken from the T1 Allocation Split and 2 Rooms from the STANDARD Allocation Split.


The 1 Room that was available on the T1 Allocation Split is taken first, since the Allocation Splits attached to the agent follow the attachment hierarchy. In the case of the agent used in the example booking, Spilt T1 is first, followed by Split STANDARD. See Setting Agent Allocations.


Double clicking the Used cell for the used date in the T1 Split Column will display a list of bookings using the T1 Split allocation, and double clicking the Used cell for the used date in the STANDARD split allocation will display a list of bookings using the STANDARD split.


Screen Shot 130: Allocation Used By

The column headings which display at the top of the screen are the only headings available.


No further detail is available from this screen regarding the bookings using the allocation.

Click the OK button to close the window.

(continued in Remove or Attach Service Options)